Exam revisions: how to get organized?

The exams are approaching, we must start revisions! But how to organize? Tips and a guide to study effectively and be ready for the big day without too much stress.

“Make good revisions”, “Do not deadlock”, “Prepare this question well” … All this, the teachers repeat it to you, but concretely, how to go about it?

Some people fail to get down to work and constantly postpone the moment to attack. Others are freaked out over tons of lessons to review and don’t know where to start. Still others go without method in marathon reviews and see their stress increasing day by day.

To avoid falling into these pitfalls, follow our advice in order.



1. Prepare your revision materials in advance

Before embarking on the revisions themselves, some time before your lessons stop, start preparing all the materials you will need:

Get the lessons that you might miss

Fill in what is incomplete , unclear, poorly noted: ask friends their lecture notes or use manual – Gather with each course exercises, TP or TD subjects corresponding annals ..

Make cards or collect mementos, abstracts, good quality diagrams that relate to each course and will allow you to understand well and learn quickly.

✓ Use To do list pad for target study


– Select the website (s) that can allow you to fill in your holes, your gaps (if your paper supports are good, you don’t need them).

Make a complete file per course with the notes, cards, exercises, and organize your files. This work of material storage will help you organize the knowledge in your head and put you at peace.

If you are taking exams in June, do so during the Easter holidays or the long weekends in early May. On this date, there is still time, for example, to write cards, go buy the annals you need or go surfing educational sites.

2. Make a schedule of revisions

Classes are now over, you have long days ahead of you to revise. But do not start studying without having made a program :

– Count the number of days you have to revise without counting the day before the exam – List all the courses (or subjects) to work on, and this in all subjects

Fill in a tableby distributing the lessons to be reviewed over your days, starting with the oldest courses (studied at the start of the year) and ending with the most recent ones. Also put your dead ends (lessons badly or never learned) at the start of revisions. Follow the course of the program because we often need the concepts learned at the beginning to understand the following ones. To distribute the subjects to be studied each day:

– Put the most difficult subjects and subjects in the morning or at the end of the afternoon

Alternate subjects. For the bac for example, do not do math for a whole day, then history another day, then law … But each day, insert a math chapter, a history chapter, a law chapter. ..: you will spend less time on each subjects and you will more easily remembers the different subjects.

– If you only take one subject, intersperse the course, the exercises, the text readings, etc. – Spend more time on high coefficient disciplines .

Make a precise schedule hour by hour or better, half an hour by half an hour, by fixing from the outset the time at which you start in the morning and the one at which you stop in the evening (no later than 11 p.m.).

3. Work during revision days

Exam revisions: how to get organized?

You just have to do what you have planned in your schedule. Here again, you have to get organized:

– Choose a quiet place conducive to work and do all your revisions there so as not to waste time moving your business from one place to another. If friends offer joint reviews, make sure they have every intention of working.

If you go to a new place together (country house), make sure you have good conditions of comfort (sleep, food, your own office). Work side by side, but study independently and relax together during meals.

– Get to work at a fixed time in the morning, not too late if possible (around 8 a.m. or 9 a.m.) and also stop at a fixed time in the evening (not too late).nights of sleep of at least 7 hours .

– Make sure you stay focused : while sitting at your desk, turn off your laptop so as not to be disturbed.

Do not spend too much time on a subject because you cannot concentrate effectively for more than 40 to 50 minutes. Every 50 minutes, take a short 5-minute break: breathe out, get up, go for a drink of water, listen to some music, and get back to work: your concentration will be good again. If you’re daydreaming, change the subject so you don’t waste time.

– The day before, relax! Do not try to review everything in a few hours: it is impossible and it will only serve to distress you. Relax, pack your things for the next day, and go to bed at a reasonable time, neither too early nor too late.

If you have done all of these, you have a very good chance of passing your exam.

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